Acupuncture is a complete medical system that can treat, diagnose, and prevent illness. It is a safe, painless, and effective way to treat a variety of conditions. We are animated by a life force called Qi (vital energy). Toxins, emotional stress, diet and lack of exercise disrupt the free flow of Qi. When this energy is blocked, the body gets out of balance and dis-ease can result. Acupuncture restores the flow of Qi. Points are selected to both relieve symptoms and correct the root cause of disease. In addition, it can reduce cortisol levels and strengthen the immune system by increasing the white blood cell count. All acupuncture is done on a Far Infrared Amethyst BioMat. Consultation and Acupuncture treatment in office $125.00 Subsequent treatments $90 Package-5 treatments for $440.00
Concierge acupunctue
I can come to you in the convenience of your own home. This is also great for couples. I can treat you both at the same time which gives you a discount. In addition, I offer group acupuncture sessions. This can be done in office spaces, yoga studios, etc. The group acupuncture sessions are good for stress, anxiety and general well being. Phone health consultations are available as well. Acupuncture in your home/office $150.00 Couples acupuncture $250.00 Group acupuncture $25.00 per person (auricular acupuncture)
Herbal Medicine
The use of medicinal properties of plants to treat the root cause of an imbalance and not just the symptoms. Pure herbs are used that are free of pollutants, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and pesticides. This is included in an acupuncture treatment Herbal/Laboratory consultation without acupuncture-$75
Homeopathic injections contain substances derived from plants, animals and minerals that are given to stimulate the body's own healing power. Traumeel and Zeel (Heel) are effective in treating sports injuries, arthritic pain, muscular pain and inflammation. These are a great alternative to immune suppressing cortisone shots. Homeopathic injections $75.00
Cupping is an ancient medical treatment that relies upon creating a local suction to mobilize blood flow in order to promote healing. Cupping has also been found to affect the body up to 4 inches into the tissues, causing tissues to release toxins, activate the lymphatic system, help activate and clean the veins, arteries, and capillaries, activate the skin and improve varicose veins. Cupping $45.00
Laboratory Testing
Laboratory testing available for: Stress &Hormones Thyroid Imbalances Weight Management Neurotransmitters Heavy Metals & Essential Elements Vitamin D Iodine GI map Dutch Create an account to order labs here
Dietary recommendations will be used based on the Chinese medicated diet, acid/alkaline balance, blood type, and nutritional type. "Let food be thy medicine and let the medicine be food,"Hippocrates. Weight Loss consultations also available according to your specific DNA profile. Fat and Carbohydrate metabolism would be assessed and certain genetic markers to help devise a specific diet especially for you. Nutritional Consultation-$100
Energy Healing
Everything is made up of energy and everything and everybody has a certain frequency. Energy healing works by raising the frequency of the individual in order to facilitate well being and vitality. The Quick Pulse is a new technique to help change things you would like to have different in your life. Health issues, low self-esteem, abundance issues, unwanted personality traits and much more can be addressed with the quick pulse. Deep-rooted issues clear and feelings of joy, comfort and freedom can emerge. Angel therapy and chakra balancing are also used to facilitate healing. Energy Healing Session $100.00
B-12 shots/B-12MIC Lipotropic injections
B-12 (methylcobalamin) is required for red blood cell formation, neurological function and DNA synthesis. Older adults, vegetarians, and individuals with pernicious anemia and gastrointestinal disorders may be deficient. $30.00 B12 MIC Lipotropic injections-are a B-complex vitamin cocktail along with other amino acids that aids in weight loss and lowering cholesterol levels. These shots helps support the liver and promotes the secretion of fats. Ingredients: Methionine, Inositol, Choline, Methylcobalamin, Chromium, Pyridoxine (B6), Niacinamide (B3), Riboflavin (B2), Thiamine (B1), Pantothenic acid (B5). $45.00